About Us

We are a group of IT professionals with extensive experience in consulting, auditing, and certification under international standards such as ISO/IEC 33000, ISO/IEC 12207, Automotive SPICE, and ISO/IEC 25000, among others. Our areas mainly cover the evaluation of IT and business processes, as well as software products

Our Mission

Guide and help all types of organizations around the world to be more efficient and effective in their processes and operations through sustainable development at an environmental, social, and economic level in and by Information Technology (IT)

Our Plan

Constant development, improvement, and application of the "Governance and Management Framework for Green IT" to offer the most up-to-date and complete tools to implement, evaluate, and improve Green IT in organizations

Our Vision

Become the international reference in Green IT, through work by and for organizations and the dissemination of our work at a scientific and professional level. Likewise, never forget our values of closeness, transparency, commitment, and attention to detail


Implement, assess, control, and improve Green IT thanks to our services


Guidance and advice for the implementation of Green IT governance and management processes and practices

Assessment & Audit

Evaluation and determination of the current state of the organization regarding Green IT


Management and realization of improvement plans for the implementation and evaluation of Green IT in a progressive and systematic manner

Join the Green IT Revolution!

Do you want to learn more about Green IT? Are you implementing or do you want to implement Green IT practices? Do you need a guide to help you govern and manage Green IT?

Let us help you!

Contact Us

The Framework

The "Governance and Management Framework for Green IT" (GMGIT) is the first framework for defining, establishing, assessing, and improving the governance and management of Green IT in organizations


Four sections to address different relevant aspects in Green IT for organizations

Framework Structure

Main Core

The 38 Processes divided into 5 Maturity Levels allow an implementation, evaluation, and improvement of Green IT in a progressive and systematic manner

Framework Main Core


Validated and refined through 3 different versions (currently working on version 4.0)

Framework Evolution
GMGIT 4.0 60%

GMGIT in Numbers

Organizations rely on the GMGIT for its evolution over the years, becoming a reference framework with a large number of practices divided among multiple processes that are analyzed and implemented based on their maturity


Maturity Levels






Years of Experience


Contact Us

If you have any questions about the framework, our services, or about us, please do not hesitate to fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible